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Presentation day

Hey guys!
Submission day, I took a look around and everyones projects look awesome, the one that stood out the most for me was Darragh Cummings project his storytelling was very creative and edgy, I've never played a twine game and this as a perfect introduction to It. other projects that I liked was Chloe and beckys project, their art style, interviews and videos wore very impressive.
I really liked everyones work but these wore the ones that stood out to me the most.

hopefully everyone had a good time creating their projects and their wasn't too much stress and sleepless nights.

although it may be bias I took a look at the documentary made for my project (19sixteen by Ian Maher and David jervis)
their approach was great and all the footage was on point. they both made the interview process very easy and relaxed on us, and having them sit in during work was very enjoyable!.

overall I really enjoyed today everyones projects looked really well and I was happy to view everyone else's work in a non judgmental space.

Hopefully everyone gets a past and above and I'm sure with the work Ive seen today everybody will do great!

enjoy your Summer guys can't wait to see everyone next semester. !:)


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