Hey guys!
Today I read an article on What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story
Overall it was an extremely good read and i would recommend, although some parts I got lost.
Mainly cuz i'm extremely tired and sick :)
enough of me complaining lets get into it!
what was it about?
Story in games and why the hell is it so important.
to show why?, the post takes a dive back in time to look at old formats of story and why they worked, in an effort to show us how to make them work for games a relatively new art form.
The facts are the facts and funny enough if you look back (nice rhyming there) in time, the change from movie to games seemed really fucking strange and i am pretty sure some people laughed at the idea of movies/stories being shown through games, but you can flip that argument on its head because movies are just advancements of plays.
The first attempt to make movies into stories absolutely failed. The camera was set up in the form of a viewer so from the crowd filming onto play. But they never took into account the fact that when people view a play they enjoy the idea of letting their own eyes drift freely throughout the stage, and this one fixed point really wasn't going to work, (in short it was boring AF)
This led to film makers figuring out the different forms on shots, Close up wide shot pan.
What we as game developers need to take from this is even though film is where it is at know it still took some work to beat out the boring that once was film.
Character is a major role in story, although there are a few misconceptions about character, a character is not defined by the clothes they wear or weapons they wield but more the decision they make that defines the character
Story has conflict and conflict is perfect for story but what kind works best for us?
There is different kinds of conflicts
-internal conflict, which is what goes on inside your head
-interpersonal conflict, which takes place between different people
-external conflict, which is conflict with society in general or physical world.
internal conflict happens mostly in novels
interpersonal conflict is for soap operas and plays
and external conflict is for games and movies.
The original saying for movie makers was SHOW DON'T SAY but this saying has been adapted DO DON'T SHOW we want the players to enjoy the doing not to just sit and be told what the story is let them create it in their own hands, don't force them into decisions
link you may be interested in first recordings of movies link
Today I read an article on What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story
Overall it was an extremely good read and i would recommend, although some parts I got lost.
Mainly cuz i'm extremely tired and sick :)
enough of me complaining lets get into it!
what was it about?
Story in games and why the hell is it so important.
to show why?, the post takes a dive back in time to look at old formats of story and why they worked, in an effort to show us how to make them work for games a relatively new art form.
The facts are the facts and funny enough if you look back (nice rhyming there) in time, the change from movie to games seemed really fucking strange and i am pretty sure some people laughed at the idea of movies/stories being shown through games, but you can flip that argument on its head because movies are just advancements of plays.
The first attempt to make movies into stories absolutely failed. The camera was set up in the form of a viewer so from the crowd filming onto play. But they never took into account the fact that when people view a play they enjoy the idea of letting their own eyes drift freely throughout the stage, and this one fixed point really wasn't going to work, (in short it was boring AF)
This led to film makers figuring out the different forms on shots, Close up wide shot pan.
What we as game developers need to take from this is even though film is where it is at know it still took some work to beat out the boring that once was film.
Character is a major role in story, although there are a few misconceptions about character, a character is not defined by the clothes they wear or weapons they wield but more the decision they make that defines the character
Story has conflict and conflict is perfect for story but what kind works best for us?
There is different kinds of conflicts
-internal conflict, which is what goes on inside your head
-interpersonal conflict, which takes place between different people
-external conflict, which is conflict with society in general or physical world.
internal conflict happens mostly in novels
interpersonal conflict is for soap operas and plays
and external conflict is for games and movies.
The original saying for movie makers was SHOW DON'T SAY but this saying has been adapted DO DON'T SHOW we want the players to enjoy the doing not to just sit and be told what the story is let them create it in their own hands, don't force them into decisions
link you may be interested in first recordings of movies link
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