Hey guys!
Today I read a super interesting article on Giving criticism AND IT SUCKED! no i'am only joking if you read the article linked here, you will probably relate more.
Its actually a super interesting read and if you haven't read it by now, you have probably lost 4 marks and if you had you would agree with me that its pretty good!
Its funny to see that even after reading the post i am still using pretty good as a way of responding to something which isn't a great sign.
The post speaks about the importance of correctly giving good criticism as apposed to bad criticism but what defines good and bad criticism.
Have you ever given someone criticism on something only to be told YOUR WRONG.. or F--- YOU MAN/dude/women/thing.
that is probably because you don't know how to give actual constructive criticism.
a good example of this is the fact that humans tend to use personal likes and dislikes in their criticism instead of giving feedback that people can use to improve.
Red and Green sucks on your page it looks stupid and i don't like it (me being colorblind I feel I have right to say this )
instead of that you can rephrase it,
Did you know that Red and Green is a struggling point for most people with specific kinds of colorblindness you don't wanna eliminate their ability to enjoy your work do you?
This way you eliminate the harsh personal hatred for what they have done and you give them an easy and understandable reason to why they might wanna change what they have done.
Another side you wanna understand is that some people just don't like criticism even if it constructive.
Some people enjoy doing what they do because it looks good to them and they enjoy it.
So try not to get upset when you phrase it correctly and they ignore it. at least u can rest easy knowing you tried to help in a positive way!
Today I read a super interesting article on Giving criticism AND IT SUCKED! no i'am only joking if you read the article linked here, you will probably relate more.
Its actually a super interesting read and if you haven't read it by now, you have probably lost 4 marks and if you had you would agree with me that its pretty good!
Its funny to see that even after reading the post i am still using pretty good as a way of responding to something which isn't a great sign.
The post speaks about the importance of correctly giving good criticism as apposed to bad criticism but what defines good and bad criticism.
Have you ever given someone criticism on something only to be told YOUR WRONG.. or F--- YOU MAN/dude/women/thing.
that is probably because you don't know how to give actual constructive criticism.
a good example of this is the fact that humans tend to use personal likes and dislikes in their criticism instead of giving feedback that people can use to improve.
Red and Green sucks on your page it looks stupid and i don't like it (me being colorblind I feel I have right to say this )
instead of that you can rephrase it,
Did you know that Red and Green is a struggling point for most people with specific kinds of colorblindness you don't wanna eliminate their ability to enjoy your work do you?
This way you eliminate the harsh personal hatred for what they have done and you give them an easy and understandable reason to why they might wanna change what they have done.
Another side you wanna understand is that some people just don't like criticism even if it constructive.
Some people enjoy doing what they do because it looks good to them and they enjoy it.
So try not to get upset when you phrase it correctly and they ignore it. at least u can rest easy knowing you tried to help in a positive way!
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