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Showing posts from December, 2018


Hey guys! Today i did some testing of my game along side some more development, i cant currently access the college due to injury so ive had to make do with the laptop i have at home, unfortunately the laptop does struggle with unity but not so much to a point where i cant continue my progress (thankfully) all is going well and i am flying along with the game, due to some events i am a little bit behind but am doing work everyday to catch up. i am now finally happy with the overall look and feel of the game, although i was having some issues when it came to the bow. in some instances i would grab my bow but for some reason it wouldn't equip from time to time, this was a problem of my computers doing its beautiful job at deleting all my hard work ! but a rewatch of the gem tutorial and axe tutorial from jimmy Vegas was all i needed to be back on track! now i need to add, targets, when i watched some tutorials they seemed quite complex but im sure after a bit of hard work il...

Unity Free Tutorials

Hey guys! today i am watching unity tutorials on how to further enhance my game. i started with a unity tutorial on the basis of creating a bow styled like Hanzo's from Overwatch  linked  here , in the tutorial we learn two very important aspects i want to include in my game, charge speed and charge max.  After this i watched a small tutorial on how to add a timer to your UI linked  here , it used a specific script that was attached in the videos case to the car in his game. a very important feature he showed was a start timer and finish timer which is very necessary for what i wanted to create for my own game Other then watching new videos on the bow and arrow aspect i have been going back and re watching all unity tutorials to try and get a better understanding of the entire process. i feel going back and re watching is really helping as there was a lot i had missed and a lot i hadn't really picked up and memorized. this way going back i can ensure...

Games Testing

Hey guys! Today I read a super interesting article on Giving criticism AND IT SUCKED! no i'am only joking if you read the article linked  here , you will probably relate more. Its actually a super interesting read and if you haven't read it by now, you have probably lost 4 marks and if you had you would agree with me that its pretty good! Its funny to see that even after reading the post i am still using pretty good as a way of responding to something which isn't a great sign. The post speaks about the importance of correctly giving good criticism as apposed to bad criticism but what defines good and bad criticism. Have you ever given someone criticism on something only to be told YOUR WRONG.. or F--- YOU MAN/dude/women/thing. that is probably because you don't know how to give actual constructive criticism. a good example of this is the fact that humans tend to use personal likes and dislikes in their criticism instead of giving feedback that people can use...

Learning Challenge

Hey guys! Today I read an article on An Underappreciated Key to College Success: Sleep This article is extremely interesting and honestly pretty helpful  here  is a link to anyone looking to learn about sleeping habits, I seriously recommend this read if you personally are struggling to see the purpose in sleeping correctly. A very surprising fact that is mentioned In this article is how little colleges really pay attention to the fact that sleep is a huge factor In peoples ability to work hard and pass. some colleges even offering 24 hour library access, which is almost encouraging all nighters. a survey taken showed that 60% of people attending college actually want colleges to speak on the importance of sleep and how to manage it. some facts show that up to 16 hours without sleep actually sees the brain begin to lose function and when that is taken up to 20 hours without sleep a person can act and feel the same as someone who is legally drunk. This arti...

Growth Mindset

Hey guys! Today I took a look at the growth mindset padlet from previous years, I found this extremely helpful and would recommend everyone takes a look at this. The post that really struck with me, SAY YES to everything even the small things.  a lot of people are so busy being comfortable and doing this they ignore so many opportunities to make new friends and have an amazing experience with others! This theory has been taken on by many and is the inspiration for a famous youtube channel with over 3million subs linked  here I have been subscribed to these guys for quite a while and if your ever looking for a fun insight into the YES THEORY this youtube channel is a great watch ! highly recommend

Meme Generator Tech Tip

Hey guys! Today I created a Meme from  IMgflip My meme is a take on the distracted BF meme I Created this to inspire !